

The Office of 信息技术 maintains a campus two-way radio system to provide reliable and high-quality two-way radio service on and around 韦德体育app官网's campus. Coverage areas extend up to a 25-kilometer radius around the center of campus.

This system supports a wide variety of users with both digital and analog handheld-portable, 机动车辆和固定基地单位. Important features include a 24/7 emergency call feature, 24/7 connectivity to the OUPD Communications Center, customized talk groups for workgroups with similar job responsibilities, 以及与校园其他部门的互操作性.

Report a Coverage Deficiency or Malfunctioning Radio预定一个事件对话组

Make only necessary transmissions -- you are sharing a limited number of frequencies with all other 韦德体育app官网 radio users. You will not know what communications are in progress on other talk groups and your unnecessary transmissions may delay other radio users.

Use a called party first philosophy when calling other radio users.  Example:  "Bill from Mike" or "Work Control from Electrical."

Make all transmissions as brief and concise as possible. Be aware that the radio system will automatically end an excessively long transmission (over thirty seconds).

Speak directly into the face of the radio, using a normal voice. You do not need to speak slowly or particularly fast, 但说清楚是很重要的, 明显, 而且声音大到让人听得懂.

Think before your speak - DON'T press the Push-to-Talk button until you know what you want to say in your transmission.

After you press the Push-to-Talk button, always pause for a moment before speaking. This ensures that the radio system has time to respond to your transmission and prevents the first part of your transmission from being lost. Likewise, do not release the Push-to-Talk button until you have finished speaking. If you are often asked to repeat part of your message, you may be inadvertently cutting off part of your transmission.


The 韦德体育app官网 campus radio system uses radio frequencies allocated by the federal government and licensed to 韦德体育app官网.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is authorized by law to formulate and enforce regulations governing radio frequency use. All radio users are required to follow FCC rules and regulations and failure to comply may result in substantial fines levied against the University and may place our FCC licenses in jeopardy.

The regulations below are of particular importance and are enforced by the FCC:

  • 使用不雅内容, obscene, or profane language is strictly prohibited: "whoever utters an obscene, indecent or profane language by means of radio communications shall be fined not more than $10,及/或监禁不超过两年. (美国法典第18卷第71章第1464段)
  • 联邦法律规定“每个被许可人(i.e. 韦德体育app官网) shall restrict all transmissions to the minimum practicable transmission time and employ efficient operating procedure to maximize the utilization of the spectrum." FCC interpretation of this rule forbids the use of "CB" type language as a wasteful and inefficient us of radio time.
  • Federal law states that radio users may transmit only the following types of communications:
    • Any communication related directly to the imminent safety of life and property.  Federal law provides such emergency transmission with priority over all other communications.
    • Communications directly related and necessary to those activities which make the licensee eligible for the license (i.e. 大学商业.)
    • Communications for testing purposes required for proper radio system maintenance.

Please ensure that you follow these regulations at all times when using the 韦德体育app官网 campus radio system. If you have any questions about permissible communications or wish to discuss possible violations of FCC regulations, 请与 Office of 信息技术与基础设施安全.

The Office of 信息技术与基础设施安全 has negotiated a three-year pricing agreement with a local vendor to ensure campus radio system users receive radios and accessories at the best possible price.

The pricing agreement covers all accessories, hand-held portable, and vehicle-mounted mobile radios.

To discuss purchasing campus radios and accessories, 请与 警署服务台 (电子邮件保护).

Campus Departments or student organizations may rent two-way radio equipment for campus-related activities from the Office of 信息技术.  Each radio is capable of communicating with the other rental radios on pre-assigned event talk groups.  All other campus two-way radios have these events talk groups, so smooth and reliable communications can be maintained with other units on campus.

收音机租金包括收音机, 一个可充电电池, 电池充电器, belt clip, and operator training (required for first-time users).

Radio rentals are free, however, an OU fund number is required.  Any damaged or lost equipment will be charged to the fund number provided.

有问题?  请与 警署服务台 (电子邮件保护).



